读后感 《零售心理战》是作者成功经营7-Eleven的经验之谈。作者希望读者读完后会感到选对和买对了这本书。 大众心理 谈到经营生意,那就需要摸清人性才有机会成功。作者在书中提到人们既有从众心理,也有标新立异、追求与众不同的自我意识。我深有同感,毕竟我自己也是如此,只要是人,应该都会有相同的心理。 除此之外...
English In 2024, I only managed to finish 17 books, below my target of 2 books per month. On average, I read 1.42 books/month. Out of the 17 books, 8 are English books. The books that I rated 3-star are Funny Story, Fanatical Prospecting, Pitch Anything, Feel-Good Productivity, Crush Price Objections, Fluke, and How to Prevent Diabetes. There was only 1 book that I did not give a 3-star. Due to other commitments, I could not keep my pac...
Review of Four Thousand Weeks Four thousand weeks attempts to change the thinking about time that do justice to all humans’ real situation: the brevity and shimmering possibilities of our four thousand weeks. It explores a saner way of relating to time and provides a toolbox of practical ideas for doing so. Four Thousand Weeks This is the number of weeks that a human has, assuming he/she lives to be eighty. Each of us might have l...
读后感 《海底捞你学不会》是一本关于海底捞发迹的书籍。作者通过访谈其创始人以及员工来找出它的成功之道。 以人为本 制度与流程在保证质量的同时,也压抑了人性,因为制度与流程忽略了执行者最值钱的部分——大脑。大脑能创造、能解决流程与制度不能解决的问题。监督不是管理,员工最值钱的是大脑,雇佣员工的双手...
Review of Funny Story Funny Story is a love story between Daphne Vincent and Miles Nowak. Daphne’s fiancé dumped her for Mile’s girlfriend. The story revolves around the development of love between them after Daphne moved into Mile’s place. Both protagonists have some parental issues that kind of explain their characters. There are some R-rated scenes in this book. Conclusion Overall, the storyline is quite predictabl...
读后感 《宜家故事》原文是瑞典文,中文翻译是王佳。我所阅读的版本是二零一一年的修订版。这本书细述了宜家的成长之路。 IKEA IKEA是Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd的缩写。I是英格瓦,K是他的姓,E代表英格瓦出生和生活的农场艾尔姆塔里德,A是他生活的村庄阿根纳瑞德。宜家是在阿尔姆霍特(Almhult),一个瑞典小镇起家的。 宜家...
Review of Fanatical Prospecting Financial Prospecting aims to teach the readers how to be efficient and effective with prospecting. The author acknowledges that prospecting is a hard, gruelling, rejection-dense work. But it is the price you have to pay to earn a high income. The Problem The main reason for failure in sales is an empty pipe, and the root cause of an empty pipeline is the failure to prospect. The failure to do the little ...
读后感 《硅谷精英的创业秘籍》探索、梳理成功者的经验,与读者分享、共同体会。作者希望这本书能够对有创业梦的读者有所启发,帮助每一个创业者去实现自己的理想。 创业焦点 创业时要积极地寻找问题而非创意。别把注意力放在具体的想法上,而要关注你想要解决的潜在问题。不要把技术放在第一位,而是先找到问题和痛...
Review of Pitch Anything With Pitch Anything, the author wants to teach the readers frame control which will help to overcome the challenges in life and career. The Problem There is a fundamental disconnect between the way we pitch anything and the way it is received by our audience. Our most important messages have a surprisingly low chance of getting through because our highly evolved neocortex, which is full of details and abstract c...
读后感 作者希望《零售的哲学》能够让读者重新审视自己的工作方法,成为向新挑战迈出第一步的契机。 何谓经营? 经营就是不忘根本,踏实地向前迈进,只有凭借坚忍不拔的实干精神,才能在紧急关头迎接挑战,做出具有独创性的变革。经营绝对不是简单的数字游戏,个人的工作亦是如此,在尚不具备明确的根据时,最好不要...