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Rating Scale

1st August 2019


0 out of 3 stars Speechless = I do not know how I finished the book.

1 out of 3 stars Mediocre = There are some lessons to be learnt from the book.

2 out of 3 stars Good= The book is enjoyable.

3 out of 3 stars Excellent = I really like the book.


0 out of 3 stars 无言以对= 我怎么会读这本书呢?

1 out of 3 stars乏善可陈 = 基本上还是可以读一读的。

2 out of 3 stars 可圈可点 = 这本书还真不错。

3 out of 3 stars 引人入胜 = 我非常喜欢这本书。

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