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Book of the Month: April 2020
General / 1st April 2020

English Multipliers teaches on how to become a better leader. In the book, the author differentiates people into Multiplier and Diminisher. Obviously, we should try to become a Multiplier instead of a Diminisher. However, sometimes we can be an Accidental Diminisher without noticing it. Through this book, I have learnt to recognize my shortcomings and am trying my best to be a Multiplier. 中文 《阿米巴经营》讲诉稻盛和夫的经营理念。作者在本书中毫不藏私地分享了他是如何带领京瓷公司获得成功的。我个人觉得本书的经营方式虽然不容易,不过如果能够做到,那这个企业很大几率能够做出一番大事业。